Succession and Testament – Renunciation
Art. 947. Right of successor to accept or renounce. A successor is not obligated to accept rights to succeed. He may accept some of those rights and renounce others.
Art. 948. Minor successor deemed to accept. A successor who is a minor is deemed to accept rights to succeed, but his legal representative may renounce on behalf of the minor when expressly authorized by the court.
Art. 949. Death of decedent as prerequisite to acceptance or renunciation A person may not accept or renounce rights to succeed before the death of the decedent.
Art. 951. Nullity of premature acceptance or renunciation. A premature acceptance or renunciation is absolutely null.
Art. 963. Requirement of formality. Renunciation must be express and in writing.
Art. 964. Accretion upon renunciation in intestate successions. The rights of an intestate successor who renounces accrete to those persons who would have succeeded to them if the successor had predeceased the decedent.
Art. 965. Accretion upon renunciation in testate successions. In the absence of a governing, testamentary disposition, the rights of a testate successor who renounces accrete to those persons who would have succeeded to them if the legatee had predeceased the decedent.