Lease – Leases with an indeterminate term
Art. 2727. Termination of lease with an indeterminate term. A lease with an indeterminate term, including a reconducted lease or a lease whose term has been established through Article 2680, terminates by notice to that effect given to the other party by the party desiring to terminate the lease, as provided in the following Articles.
Art. 2728. Notice of termination; timing. The notice of termination required by the preceding Article shall be given at or before the time specified below:
(1) In a lease whose term is measured by a period longer than a month, thirty calendar days before the end of that period;
(2) In a month-to-month lease, ten calendar days before the end of that month;
(3) In a lease whose term is measured by a period equal to or longer than a week but shorter than a month, five calendar days before the end of that period; and
(4) In a lease whose term is measured by a period shorter than a week, at any time prior to the expiration of that period.
A notice given according to the preceding Paragraph terminates the leas; at the end of the period specified in the notice, and, if none is specified, at the end of the first period for which the notice is timely.
Art. 2729. Notice of termination; form. If the leased thing is an immovable or is a movable used as residence, the notice of termination shall be in writing. It may be oral in all other cases. In all cases, surrender of possession to the lessor at the time at which notice of termination ·shall be given under Article 2728 shall constitute notice of termination by the lessee.