Servitudes – Right of use
Art. 639. Right of use. The personal servitude of right of use confers in favor of a person a specified use of an estate less than full enjoyment.
Art. 640. Content of the servitude. The right of use may confer only an advantage that may be established by a preĀdial servitude.
Art. 641. Persons having the servitude. A right of use may be established in favor of a natural person or a legal entity.
Art. 642. Extent of the servitude. A right of use includes the rights contemplated or necessary to enjoyment at the time of its creation as well as rights that may later become necessary, provided that a greater burden is not imposed on the property unless otherwise stipulated in the title.
Art. 643. Transferable right. The right of use is transferable unless prohibited by law or contract.
Art. 644. Heritable right. A right of use is not extinguished at the death of the natural person or at the dissolution of any other entity having the right unless the contrary is provided by law or contract.
Art. 645. Regulation of the servitude. A right of use is regulated by application of the rules governing usufruct and predial servitudes to the extent that their application is compatible with the rules governing a right of use servitude.
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