Donations in Louisiana
Donations in Louisiana can either be made during the life of a person or can be made after death.
Act 1467 – Methods of Acquiring or Disposing Gratuitously
Property can neither be acquired nor disposed of gratuitously, except by donations inter vivos or mortis causa, made in one of the forms hereafter established.
Art. 1468. Donation inter vivos, definition.
A donation inter vivas is a contract by which a person, called the donor, gratuÂitously divests himself, at present and irrevocably, of the thing given in favor of another, called the donee, who accepts it.
Art. 1469. Donation mortis causa, definition.
A donation mortis causa is an act to take effect at the death of the donor by which he disposes of the whole or a part of his property. A donation mortis causa is revocable during the lifetime of the donor.
- Donations – Condition of the thing given upon return
- Donations – Liability for fruits when donation is revoked or dissolved
- Donations – Donor’s rights to return of property upon dissolution
- Donations – Dissolution
- Donations – Revocation
- Donations – Exceptions to Irrevocability
- Donations – Property that may be donated
- Donations – Who can accept
- Donations – Form of acceptance
- Donations – Donation effective on acceptance